Saturday, January 31, 2004

mana pulak budak yg dok kekecoh pasal aku ngan angel aku tuh..
tak respon pun..
ye semalm mmg dia ada call..tapi aku malas nak jawab...
pastu dia sms "zez..nape aku tpon ko tak jawab..ko kat maner...nanti call aku balik"
boleh blahhhhh....malas aku nak call budak siut camtu..
dok puas aku backing dia dari semua org..
semua org dok nak bantai dia dari dulu lagi...aku dok cool down dorang semua..
but tak pe...aku malas nak ungkit..biar dia sedar sendiri..
jgn jadi ketam ajar anak berjalan.. dah laa..itu..
aku admit..diri aku pun tak betul...tapi aku takkan betul kan seseorg tuh kalau aku sendiri pun silap dari segi yang sama...benda simple..cuma depend kat org nak intrepret it..

hhmmm..malas betul nak apded blog kalau sabtu..
sebab angel aku tak online ari no mood... ;)
ni yg aku bosan bila ari sabtu..
aku keje angel aku cuti...
aku bosan gila..nak call dia hapon kene bar..
risau kat dia..dah makan ke belum..sihat ke tak?

semlaam aku tdo lewat..
dah sampai umah perut bleh lapar plak..
terus aku masak...kul 4am kot aku tdo..
nak bangun pagi punye laa susah...

Friday, January 30, 2004


mana plak laa kakak aku sorang ni
slow betul laa
aku admit..adik beradik aku time management mmg hancur kekeke..
including aku..ekekek...

nape plak angel aku sakit pala ?
perut lapar tu kot...
leave them alone my angel...
as long we have each other is enough...
see how weak they are...
we only in two...u and me..
but them....more than us...
but..seems to be they are losing.. :)
kenapa la dierang nak dengki ngan kite...
ape la masalah dierang ni...
isk isk isk....
sedap hati je nak tuduh2 org...
tembak kasik mati kang baru tau...

pergh...malasnye nak keje ari ni...rasa nak sambung tdo jer..
ni laa sebab tdo awal..badan letih semacam...
selalu tdo lewat semlaam je tdo awal terlebih laa ni... :)
pepagi buta dah meragam perut...ish...minggu ni rekod laa....
kurus skit aku rasa :p

erm..semalam dah kemas dah umah my angel..
ada lagi skit..kene vacuum sikit...
jamban tu kene tukar...nafsu nak buang takde laa kekeke..
its so funny i have plenty kinds of friends in my life
ade yg fussy, bossy,childish,envy tahap gaban,lalang and all sort of kinds ade kekeke..
paling fussy zai...ekekek..mmg dari dulu lagi dia fussy...dari zaman2 mabuk dulu..
dia fussy on alcholic drinks...dia tak nak minum beer yg murah2...
terbawa perangai dia sampai hari...
instance semalam...sibuk dok cari cover jamban sama ngan warna baldi yg beli..wakkaa..
pastu ngadu...kaler yg sama takde ..ekeke...
yg bossy plak...aben..ekekkee..poyo je nak tolong kemas..ekekek..aku marah sikit mula la dia pot pet pot pet kekeke..kelakar laa korang ni...erm...betul cakap aben ...aku je degil tak nak dengar...dari dulu lagi dia suh aku tinggalkan kekawan selombong aku...cuma aku je degil...degil sebab bagi aku....tak best tinggalkan lombong masa lombong lum famous di beberapa forums....
pasal kekawan aku yg envy ngan childish sangat ni mostly bebudak kete kancil..ekeke..
dengki ya amat...
even aku ngan my angel(wifetobe) pun blur nape dorang jeles gila babi ngan kiteorg dua....erm..
ntah...maybe betul fibi cakap..."ye laa dorang dengki sebab dorang takde partner nak buat atau rapat cam korang berdua".

ntah laa biarkan dorang sume....
what i know now...i have my angel to take off...and she have me too :)

Thursday, January 29, 2004


erm..bosan gak ari ni...
syg aku cuti..sangap ler jugak..
ye la..selalu kul 830 or 840 she'll call me..
cakap yg dia dah sampai ari ni...
or aku akan tpon dia sesampai aku di opis..
but today takde..
but takpe...lunch nanti aku jumpa dia yea yea..

erm..semalam balik lambat..hujan laa plak..ekeke
kul 330am baru sampai umah...tak cite banyak...terus aku landing...
sejuk gak bawak moto semalam..
dah laa ptg kene hujan...jaket aku basah..
balik pagi tadi pun still hujan lagi...sejuk giler...
bes bes least bakar lemak badan..kurus ler sikit :p

mana dia email syg aku...kata suh aku amend resume tuh ..takde pun..

dah tiga hari turut2 perut aku sakit...
sib baik aku naik moto gi keje...
kalau dulu naik kete...pergghh...
tuhan saja yg tau aku bertarung ngan kesakitan yg buang kekeke..
dulu kalau drive..penentu aku sampai lambat ke tak ke opis kalau sakit perut
ialah kat simpang empat jalan raja muda..
kat situ aku kene decide...nak buang dulu ker or nak simpan :p
kekeke...tapi ari ni aku decide buang kat opis...
cam silverhawk aku bawak moto pagi tadik kekeke...

cant wait for lunch

erm..bosan gak ari ni...
syg aku cuti..sangap ler jugak..
ye la..selalu kul 830 or 840 she'll call me..
cakap yg dia dah sampai ari ni...
or aku akan tpon dia sesampai aku di opis..
but today takde..
but takpe...lunch nanti aku jumpa dia yea yea..

erm..semalam balik lambat..hujan laa plak..ekeke
kul 330am baru sampai umah...tak cite banyak...terus aku landing...
sejuk gak bawak moto semalam..
dah laa ptg kene hujan...jaket aku basah..
balik pagi tadi pun still hujan lagi...sejuk giler...
bes bes least bakar lemak badan..kurus ler sikit :p

mana dia email syg aku...kata suh aku amend resume tuh ..takde pun..

dah tiga hari turut2 perut aku sakit...
sib baik aku naik moto gi keje...
kalau dulu naik kete...pergghh...
tuhan saja yg tau aku bertarung ngan kesakitan yg buang kekeke..
dulu kalau drive..penentu aku sampai lambat ke tak ke opis kalau sakit perut
ialah kat simpang empat jalan raja muda..
kat situ aku kene decide...nak buang dulu ker or nak simpan :p
kekeke...tapi ari ni aku decide buang kat opis...
cam silverhawk aku bawak moto pagi tadik kekeke...

cant wait for lunch

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

i was reading my old entries....
it's so funny when i was confused wth what i felt for u...
and how i was jealous....and when i felt like u're just fooling around...

baru lepas abih makan mee goreng..
bleh ke nak berlari jap lagi..
perut dah buncit ke depan cam bapak budak wakkakaka... could she's still tak prepare for tommorrow's interview..
erm..sayang..please do the best for wont u...??

erm...jap lagi jumpa angel...
goin to watch movie..yeahaaa..
and buying some stuff utk bersihkan rumah..
hope she's feel comfortable staying there..
coz its very near to me :)

i wish KL punye weather cam ni hari2...
perrghh..redup je mendung...windy....
bes...aku pun leh jadi putih...
she gonna have a presentation afterwards....
and an interview esok...
good luck sayang..and do the best ok...
love u so much too my angel herlina :)
rasa mcm tak bole masuk blog arief ni.....
kalau masuk rasa mcm nak drown....
drowning in his love :)

i luv u so much....
dah lama tak borak ngan one of my best friends in bnm..
terkejut tau mak dia sakit..
sabar laa setiap kejadian itu ada hikmah nye ok..
aku hanya doakan agar mak ko selamat menjalani pembedahan esok ok...
moga cepat sembuh.. :)

woke up late again..
lagi lambat...ekeke...dah la kene spend masa lama kat toilet..
kekeke....sib baik...tak hujan..if not...mesti lagi lambat..
ntah ....bosan plak nak keje this few laa..
still holiday mood...
lepas CNY then raya haji...pasni labor day...laa ape laaa...
erm...maybe this week sibuk to kleen up da hse...
wanna make the hse like a heaven for her... :)
toast sgt sedap....
dpt plak hot choc.....
bliss in such cold mornin'.....
kalau tambah my's pure bliss....ahhh....

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

just leave long we trust each other..
and say no to the donts.. :)

ish..kat opis ni dah bising pasal main bola esok..ish...
tak sabar laa plak...kekeke..
entah larat lagi ke tak nak lari ni...ekekkee
i just don't get why people envy us....
why can't they just leave me alone?
why can't they just let me be happy?
dedicate this song to my angel herlina ahmad :)

i'm so sorry making my angel so worried about me... mistakes for not calling u as i reached to the office..
had to attend morning meeting with big boss..
next time i would say to them dont invite me to the meeting if its not so urgent to me...
i got many work to do rather than seating in the meeting dat i could only spend for haf an hour rather than 2 hours... <_<
bosan nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

felt the heat now..
let her settle with her family first...
for me...i just need to tell mum only then...
the rest..they knew already..

i wonder...if everything goes well on what been planned...
would we just make it as earlier as we can...
i just could not stand the pressure any longer...

Monday, January 26, 2004

had a long chat with achik..
thanks achik..
at least ease my pressure :)

it's so hard for most people to accept both in one go...
it gonna take time for people to agree on both....
so hard to find a person that is balance in their thinking..
both traditional and modern....
but i guess as long as what we plan are according to the law of Islam i don't think there'll be any objection...
why do in life there's two kind of thinking...
1. old tradition thinking
2. modern days thinking..

why cant this thinking goes well with each other..??
it may makes life easier to go on...
cant deny dat we need old tradition thinking..
but...nevertheless we need the modern days thinking too...

would they accept what does the modern days thinking thinks...
while they are adopting old tradion thinking mind set...??

how i wish this two thinking could be cope so well and would make life much easier and happier ever after...
had a cup of nescafe..
lega sikit...
althought still sakit pale..
hmm..ntah laa...
banyak keje nak buat ni..but tak tau where and what to start first...??
she's having headache as well...try not to sleep just take a rest would u??
i'm stress now...
pressure gile..naper?
enviroment does pressure me much..
those internal i can control..
but the external i cant...
luckily i have her to ease me off...
but i doesnt want her to stress as well..
though....the earliest gonna be in september ...the latest gonna be in december..
but....time is running so fast...could i slow it..erm...
but..i doesnt want to slow down the time...cant wait actually..
windmills of your mind

like a circle in a spiral
like a wheel within a wheel
never ending or beginning
on an ever-spinning reel
like a snowball down a mountain
or a carnival balloon
like a carousel that's burning
running rings around the moon

like a clock whose hands are sweeping
past the minutes of its face
and the world is like an apple
rolling silently in space
like the circles that you find
in the windmills of your mind

like a tunnel that you follow
to a tunnel of its own
down a hollow to a cavern
where the sun has never shone
like a door that keeps revolving
in a half-forgotten dream
are the ripples from a pebble
someone tosses in a stream

like a clock whose hands are sweeping
past the minutes of its face
and the world is like an apple
rolling silently in space
like the circles that you find
in the windmills of your mind

keys that jingle in your pocket
words that jangle in your head
why did summer go so quickly?
was it something that you said?
lovers walk along a shore
and leave their footprints in the sand
was the sound of distant drumming
just the fingers of your hand?

pictures hanging in a hallway
or the fragment of this song
half-remembered names and faces
but to whom doth they belong?
when you knew that it was over
were you suddenly aware
that the autumn leaves were turning
to the colour of her hair?

like a circle in a spiral
like a wheel within a wheel
never ending or beginning
on an ever-spinning reel
as the images unwind
like the circles that you find
in the windmills of your mind
baru dapat berita..
hhmmm..supervisor aku dapat anak lelaki..
tahniah....perangai kene cantik sikit pas ni ok..ekeke..
erm...ish..lambat laa dapat duit claim lepas ni kekeke...
kepala aku rasa cam berangin laa..
kenape hah??..
selalu kepala ni berangin bila aku dah terlalu bengang..
cam nak pijak org..
masalahnya....aku bengang ngan sape??
takkan sakit hati camni gak rasanye??
uish...sakit hati ngan saper??.
takkan bende kecik aku nak besar kan...??
salam and morning to all viewers


dah 4 hari tak tulis..
banyak nak aku cerita..
ade yg best...tak lupe juga ada yg kurang best..
erm...arghh..entah laa...
tak tau nak mula dari mana??..
banyak sangat nak dicerita..
yg ceria....bengang...
mana satu dulu yg harus aku mulakan??

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

ari ni last day of da week...
kalau sempat online...
aku update blog ni.
kalau takde...takde laa ok..

long weekend..gonna spend my precious time with her..
erm....aisey camne laa lupa plak pasal punye aktiviti..
sizal tolong setelkan bleh...aku takut cam tak sempat je..
although its gonna be long weekend...but a bit rush laa..
since saturday insyaAllah ada kenduri utk arwah ayah..
miss u ayah...miss u so much...
moga roh mu di tempatkan di tempat org yg beriman amin.

so banyak hal nak kene setel kot...
ye ke banyak hal...bukan ke aku ni jenis..tak bother langsung pasal umah..??..
erm...entah..tgk laa mood aku camne...mood mak aku camner..
lately ni aku tak ngam sgt ngan mak aku.. wat my friends said...'she's proud of u'
hehe...mmg proud of me...but...not as a whole...
i want her proud of me...becoz of my self...not just becoz...other perspectives...

maybe friday..meeting wif my old uni. colleagues...ntah..lepas semayang kot..
then...maybe jumpe ikram...ada hal lama...tak setel lagik...ekekek..biasa laaa...
old friend of mine...he knows every single things of me...
to know me better....ask him... :)

ok laa malas nak tulis pepanjang..nak chow chin chow....nak gi jumpa my angel...
dia tak sihat sgt tuh....risau gak...maybe sebab dia gi indon ari tu..
ye laa...tempat tak biasa pegi....main pergi sure balik demam jer....

bosan keje ari ni..keje tak banyak ...
org tak ramai...angpow pun tak dapat.. <_<
tahun lepas dapat gak..ish..susah camni...
erm...panas betul arini...
naik itam muka ni...ish.. <_<
jap lagi tgk movie ngan angel.... :)

sorry guys takleh nak join dinner tonite..
wish them Happy CNY ok..
maybe next time i'll join u guys ok
so i heard a great news from yogyakarta, indonesia...
Padi's vocalist, Fadly just got a baby boy....
alhamdulillah, mbak Echie selamat melahirkan anak kedua....
so baby Bilal dah ada playmate.....
ade la teman bertumbuk..hehehe
sure baby boy bulat macam Bilal and Fadly jugak....

so when's my turn??
baru lepas tgk cd..
thanks jacx
i tanak pegi klinik....
tanak pegi.....takkan pegi
jangan paksa
i am trying to change myself....
please help me change myself

that is why we have each other my angel
not just to be in love..
but...need to take care of each other too..
not just to share happiness...
but .. need to share the sadness too...
neither me nor yourself need to be selfish in such ways :)

erm...agreed yesterday..
tak sihat by today...
kene pi kompromi...
erm..bangun lambat sikit ari ni..
so saje aku lewatkan lagi pemergian ku ke opis..
malas nak rushing...
singgah HQ dulu..swipe pas kat sana..
then baru gerak gi opis..

syg demam lagi ker..
if tak sihat by today aku kene bawa dia pi klinik laa..

sib baik mlm tadi balik tak hujan...
ni pun dah selsema...kene embun lebih kot..

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

bukan kerek....
menahan sakit la.....
hhmmm...tak penah plak camni...
kerek semacam..??naper??
penat la ari ni..
basah gak tadi naik moto pi HQ..
ingatkan dah tak ujan...sekali masih lagi laa..
sib baik tak berapa lebat....
smell distance :(
i'm here sunshine!
ari cam nak ujan..
nak kene pi HQ ni..aduh...banyaknye brg nak bawa balik..
driver pun takde..
naik moto plak tuh.. laa..
solat dulu laa

to my angel..
do it slowly baby...
tetiba rasa rindu plak..
kekekeke...leh j|wang laa plak aku ari ni..

huh badan penat gile ni...
ari ni bangun lambat coz semalam tdo lambat..
balik dari dinner ngan angel and bond..
then terus bawak bond pi klinik sakit pale... my pretty baby pulak sakit perut..
was it normal stomach ache??
erm...only GOD knows..
pokok pangkal sekrg..sama ada aku atau dia..
dua2 kene siap sedia ...
tu jer...

Monday, January 19, 2004

ari ujan...nak jumpe angel takleh ni
build up da internal strength..
trust me..
we can survive
calling up for all my exlovers,ex-angkut,ex-gerakan,my enemies,my allied,friends sesape lagi laa..
i'm currently pls pls pls pls pls..
stop bugging me,my family,my mum and my angel ok..
currently i'm enggaged in unformal mode :)

update on weekend:

- met hse agent with my angel... :)
looks fine da hse for us...hhmmm...hopefully dapat discount ler kot...
then had dinner with aben...huhuhu..makan western lagi ..huhuhu..dah lama tak pi mamam kat situ.. wat i've told be4...spent my time wif my angel...
hahaha...kan i dah is daisies dear...u said no...daisies a bit small..kekeke..yg small tuh kat..chrystaneum flowers...erk betul ker ape aku eja...lebih kurang laa...the small ones was the one dat ppls buat air tuh...teh bunga...

- met kuan...kekek...had a nice chit chat with him...brought my angel to met him as well..
hhmm..guess what...we've made our decision...
to get married by end of this year..heheh...but its only the nikah ok...those kenduri ie sanding or whatsoever...will only be held next year...ngam2 after one year of our marriage insyaAllah...
starts from now...hhmmm...takleh nak belanja sakann....only buy wat i needs...not what i want...remember...only buy wat i need...
oh lupe...mlm ni juga....ali ngan shida nikah...selamat pengantin baru kawan ku...moga berkekalan ke anak cucu...(lagi pressure aku nak kawin camni :)

- went to ali's wedding...erm jumpe bebudak lelain..tapi nape tak ramai???ramai ke frust shida kawin kakakkaka.....met zai,ikram,jep,wayne,aie,ajey,o hak,ainand some of my 'anak2buah' during ramadhan month...where's da rest??hhmmm..ish..kalau aku kawin dorang takde...siap laa.... :angry:
then pegi kawan lin punye wedding...unfortunately..sampai je dah we've changed our tgk ACFK main kekekeke....
then met bond...be4 dat we went to courts mammorth..just to know rough figures for da households.. plak probs...camne ek nak buat...its ok..i'll see wat i can do ok and my angel..will help u in such ways dah we can... :)
then jumpe bear and rina...discussed about da hse..
ermm...memula a bit blacky discussion...then out of blue...dorang plak yg excited... :)

as for today...
all of my big bosses takde..semua pi meeting kat HQ....huhuhu...
ari ni patut aku pi hq..but takyah since abg alim ada interview kat dia take over my duty today..

erm...kawin kawin kawin kawin kawin kawin kawin kawin kawin.... :)
hopefully...ape yg dah diplan...leh implement as smooth as silk amin :)

Friday, January 16, 2004

dah nak balik dah..
gonna spent my precious time dis weekend wif my baby angel..
but :(

only maiself and herself know better..
arrghh..doesnt really matter dear

nak gi tgk umah..
pastu gi bb..

bye blog...

cya on monday kot..
sib baik dah sampai..
hamjut tul...lambat bebenor..ingatkan tak sampai lagi..
:) thanks my friend...
esok aku pi jumpa hang ok ;)
hhmmm...pelik sikit ari ni..
ramai betul org kat masjid tadi..
memang ramai ker...or aku yg lambat..
tapi aku rasa aku pi tadi cam biasa..tak lambat dan tak cepat..
ermm..on de way tadi....guess what..
chestpain...pale sakit..
sib baik tak pitam...kalau pitam tadi sure kene hit ngna express bus tadi...
pjg lagi umur aku utk ari ni..amin..
kuan oh kuan..
mana ko...janji nak call aku...
aku bakar kedai ko nanti baru ko tau..
dah ke belum??
memain lak ngan aku..aku tpon tak jawab <_<
cian sayang aku..
sakit tangan dia..
ape lah doktor ni..
tak reti nak amik darah ker..
baby...dont forget to take yr meal ok..
sib baik road tax bangah nak bayo...huhuh..
at least ada poket ni ..ekeke..
leh aku channel kan ke lain..
ngeluh laa pulak isi minyak full tank dah abis...
kuikuikui..tu laa penangan turbo

baru turbo kecik lum yg besar lagi kekeke
ish..gaji dah masuk..
time gaji masuk laa banyak bende nak belanja..

roadtax plus insurance kete...dah 700++
moto lagi nak bayor..
credit card lagi..
henpon lagi...
kete ngan moto pun blum servis...
ni nak buat kenduri 10 years arwah ayah meninggal..
nak tanam modal laa juga..
aduh...kene pukul overtime dah ni..
next week by hook or by crook..
kene buat OT...lepas OT baru jumpa angel saya.. :)
slip gaji tak dapat lagi ni..ermm
nak tgk gak increment berapa $$$ aku dapat..
patut nye banyak since aku baru upgrade ke newsalary scale..
erm...patut ker aku apply utk post lagi tinggi for this time being...
erm....kalau higher post..salary dia ngan current pay aku terima..tak banyak beza..
cuma with current post aku leh clain OT and such allowances..
nak save duit lagi...utk kawin..
hahhaha....kawin..ahahha...memang kelakar..
mula laa..kepala serabut...kawin laa ape la sialan...
erm...tapi trust me..dis yer..gonna be like 2002...
whereby...i save alot of my money...
savings flourish on dat year...
2002 wat da prosperous year....Thanks to Allah Almighty...
hopefully 2004 will be the same as 2002...erm....dont be like last year...
kurang saving...belanja lebih...
luck pun kurang baik laa..
satu individuals award pun aku tak menang kat opis ni..
although PRIME rate for me was the highest in de department....
takde ke org nak recognize my contributions towards dis department??..
arrgghh....tgh bangah tolong renew kan insurance plus road tax..
bodo punyer insurer..nak isi borang ni laa borang tuh laa...kan aku dah lari ...rugi laa ko ngan sorang potential customer....
hahha...makcik aku ni pun satu hal...nak bagi bisnes dia plak tak mai opis lagi...
pale dia serabut cam aku gak ker??... :unsure:
ari tuh kata nak renew least ada laa commision and free gift dia bagi..
dok calling dari pagi...hampeh..takda pun... :(
erk....benda dah turun...tapi org kata dont judge on dis ones
ari ni takleh laaa.. :(
i love surprises...hehehe...
thanks kuan..
erk ari ni atau esok aku bayor laa ok..

hihihi..dah lama tak buat camni...

Thursday, January 15, 2004

malas nak pikir...
pikir mana yg bleh setel dulu..
skang kat pale otak aku ni..
ikut priority (lain pun penting...priority in sense of leh setel cepat)

1. umah
2. keje
3. only me and her know wats da prob
beratkan rational wahai en arief...
beratkan ke sana..
bukan beratkan ke sini...emosi...jgn...jgn ...
jgn beratkan ke emosi....
kerna...benda2 camni...kene rational sikit
adakah aku diboikot??
hihi funny to know dat dah dua org staff nama kan anak dorang arief...
hihi..same spelling wif my name
ok ok..
memang hati tak sedap...
tapi tak tau kenaper..
banyak benda pikir kot..
erm...ntah betul ke tak...

salah satu nape aku jadi camni ialah..
since aku tgk angel aku drop her tears depan aku..
uh..sebak aku...ish..tapi aku kene comfortkan dia..
takkan nak join dia worry ..
i'm her man...i should do wat i should..
if she need comforting..i'm da one to comfort her..
if she's crying...i'll be her shoulder...

although kepala serabut..
but..aku tak penah lupa benda2 ni..
1. i love her
2. i miss her
3. i'll take care of her

for the past few days..
lepas bangun pagi je mesti hati tak sedap..
nape erk?...
yup...memang perasaan rindu ada..
tapi kali ni..
rindu is is love..dua2 feelings ni mmg ada unique space in my heart...
but...tetiba je hati x sedap...
its not relate with my angel..
i comes from myself instead..
dunno...selalu kalau hati x sedap..
mostly opposite things akan terjadi..
masalahnya..hati ni tak sedap out of sudden..
takde benda pun yg main dalam pale otak ni...
maybe pasal keje banyak sangat kot..

arrgghh..tulis blog ni pun serabut...sama cam otak aku gak...

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Alif Ba Ta Dunia Ku

Pabila ku rindu
Hiaskan diriku
Ku melawan cintaku

Pabila ku jemu
Pejamkan mataku
Ku masuk ke alam khayalku

Alif,ba,ta duniaku
Siapa yang tahu
Apakah di dadaku ini

( korus )
Ku, ku, I, I, I
Hanya ku seorang
Yang tahu pergolakan

Kau, kau, you, you, you
tak mungkin boleh tahu
selagi ku tak cerita

Marah, marah
Takkan berubah
Dengan amok
Dan amarahmu itu

Aa, aa, ih, ih, uu, uu,
Tak depan, bawah, atas
tiga cara saja

Oh, oh
Jangan ternganga
Uh... uh...
Kalau kau masih
Belum belajar ( 3X )

Cinta kita satu/sama
Hidup ini
Akan mudah
Kalau mimpi
Kita sama
tadi baru nak pi minum..
member plak nak blah..nak berak..hamjut..
takkan nak minum sorang2...syg plak jauh...ish..
tadi rasa nak berak..aleh2 tak jadi plak..

kat bawah tadi jumpa hoki coach...
dia tanye tahun ni tak nak main ker..
erm..takleh decide lagi...
erm maybe join KL league jer..
interbank,interfinance,kl open, USM open semua malas nak main
angin tarak laa..

yup..never feel like this be4..
so comfortable..
greater day by day..

rezeki jgn ditolak musuh jgn dicari
leh pakai ker perumpamaan ni dalam kes aku? :huh:

sorry laa coz pasal semalam her mood hilang lagi...
i guess minggu ni dah dua kali aku buat salah sampai ilang mood

semalam kali kedua terlanggar 'benda' lagi
ntah realiti or fantasi..a bit misery...
dua hari turut2...adakah hari ni aku plak yg dilanggar?
ntah laa..kepadaNya aku berserah..

memang...kat otak ni dok pikir benda yg sama..
cume benda uncertain malas nak beratkan sebab tak de solutions..
tunggu laa...kalau dah ada...baru ada options..
coz cam sekrg....segala keputusan takleh nak buat..takleh nak pikir..takleh aku nak rangka...takleh dicongak..
cuma cam dibincangkan dulu...selesaikan dulu mana yang bleh..
at least from 20...dah tinggal 19 utk disetelkan..

tgk la camne ari ni..kalau umur pjg ada lah penulisan blog aku utk esok..
hati rasa tak sedap pun ...

dgn nama Allah aku bertawakal...
jika dikehendaki ajal ku sampai aku redha
dan jika dikehendaki panjangnya umur aku ...aku bersyukur..

amin ya rabbal alamin

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

goin to meet her today ye ye ye
love her so much

tersenyum aku tgk gelagat anak sorang staff kat sini..
aku panggil dia bob...memang chubby nak mampus...ngan suara serak basah dia....baru darjah satu...kekek..tapi best...kekke..

hhmmm..runsing gak..sampai sakit dada aku memikirkannya
betul...aku yg main gile...kenaper...
jgn ditanye kenape...
semua atas keadaan yg memaksa

isi or kosong
isi or kosong

jgn dipikir bende yg uncertain...
headwired nanti..
biar laa dulu..

bak kata aben..
kalau ada tu rezeki...
org lain susah payah nak...ko plak tak nak..

ntah laa..keputusan bukan di tangan aku..
segalanya aku berserah...

lagak seperti aku tak pikir ape2..
actually it was on my mind since this past few days..
sampai demam ari ni...

takpe...ade hikmah di sebalik kejadian..
jadikan ia sebagai pegangan..

no matter wat happen i'll be by her side..
hopefully she do the same too...

this is me with my angel..
luv her..


semalam langgar satu "benda"
sib baik aku tak stop...
luckily i remembered wat mum say....never stop when u hit something unusual..
my angel on leave today...had to settle some stuff...
hopefully she's fine today...
erm...had a small discussion with her yesterday..
not to be worry dear...wait and see the best way now...
met jacx and cipul...thanks guys for yr support..
to zack and sofi...
sorry mum told me dat u did called my hse last nite..
keep wondering...why my mobile cant get through yesterday..

Monday, January 12, 2004


dis is 4 her..(kept dis lyrics be4 coz it meant to be given to the ones dat i love so much)
thanks 4 yr presence angel :wub:



Oh, hey...
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
To you
Oh, yeah, babe

My whole life has changed
Since you came in, I knew back then
You were that special one
I'm so in love, so deep in love

You make my love complete
You are so sweet, no one competes
Glad you came into my life
You blind me with your love, with you I have no sight

Girl, you open me, I'm wide open
And I'm doing things I never do
But I feel so good, I feel so good
Why it takes so long for me finding you

This is my story and I'm telling you
It's not fiction, it's surely a fact
Without you right here having my back
I really don't know just where I'd be at

My whole life has changed (My whole life has changed)
Since you came in, I knew back then (Ooh...oh...)
You were that special one (You were that)
I'm so in love, so deep in love

You make my love complete (You make, make my love
You are so sweet (Oh, oh), no one competes
Glad you came into my life (Ooh...)
You blind me with your love, with you I have no sight

I analyzed myself, I was buck wild
Never thought about settling down
But all the time I knew I was ready
But not with all my friends around

But girl, I put you first now (I put you first now)
You made me, helped mold me (Helped mold me, baby)
Turned me into a man, I'm so responsible
And I owe it all to you

My whole life has changed (My whole life has changed)
Since you came in, I knew back then (Oh, oh)
You were that special one (You were that special one)
I'm so in love, so deep in love (Oh, oh, oh....)

You make my love complete (You make my love complete)
You are so sweet, no one competes
Glad you came into my life (So glad you came in)
You blind me with your love (Blind me, baby), with you
I have no sight

{God has blessed me} God has blessed me, baby
Girl, He was good to me when He sent you
{I'm so happy, baby}
I'm so happy, I'm so happy, baby, oh, yes, baby
{Share my world} Come and share my world, baby,
oh...whoa...yeah. yeah
{I'm so in love} I'm so in love
I'm addicted to your love, baby, yeah...

My whole life has changed (Oh, yes, I am)
Since you came in, I knew back then (Ooh)
You were that special one (You were that very, very
special one)
I'm so in love (You were that very, very special one),
so deep in love

You make my love complete (You make my love complete)
You are so sweet (Yes, you did, baby), no one competes
(No one competes, oh)
Glad you came into my life
You blind me with your love (Come on), with you I have
no sight

My whole life has changed (My whole life has changed)
Since you came in, I knew back then (You made a
difference in my life)
You were that special one (I knew you were that
special one)
I'm so in love, so deep in love (When I first laid
eyes on you, babe)

You make my love complete (You make my love complete,
You are so sweet, no one competes (No one competes,
Glad you came into my life (No one, no one)
You blind me with your love (No one), with you I have
no sight (Come on)

My whole life has changed (Oh...whoa...whoa...whoa...)
Since you came in, I knew back then

dah 4 thn dorang tak rentung..
semalam sume rentung..thanx for keep respecting my decision since the past 4 years..
showed to my least she knows with whom i mix around...

dah 4 thn dorang tak rentung..
semalam sume rentung..thanx for keep respecting my decision since the past 4 years..
showed to my least she knows with whom i mix around...

aku cam nak demam laa
done de list..
please please please...
follow what been decide..ok?

Saturday, January 10, 2004


ari biasa laa...
mood keje memang takde..
just datang utk full kan attendance list jer... angel balik umah papa...
promised to me nak balik at least once a week....
ye laa at least...ilang juga rasa rindu si ayah kat anak dia..
sapa tak rindu kan anak...
hope she';ll understand why i'm stressing up her to go back home at least once a week..
u dont need to spend a day in papa's hse...
only an hour is ease yr father's misses...
cant wait to her after office :wub:
bloggie for my angel


If Tomorrow Never Comes
Written by Garth Brooks

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

Friday, January 09, 2004

no one plans to fail..
but usually ppl fail to plan
no one plans to fail..
but usually ppl fail to plan
entah laa blog
takde mood plak ari ni
maybe badan kurang sihat kot

Thursday, January 08, 2004


of course there r consequences..but those consequences we can control..
let us take control on them...not they take control on us..

u've taken the risk...i took the risk too syg..
so pls...dont say something dat we wont know...
just full swing on what we have now..
InsyaAllah..would end up happily
dear blog

met my angel yesterday
brought her to clinic...
at least ease my worry about her health
tell her i love her
tell her i care bout her
tell her i want to recover soon...

on my way back..
brought best friend of mine to a clinic as well

could u please send 3 angels for me...

one to take care my darling sweet heart while i'm away
one to take care my beloved mum
and the one
to take call all of my best friends..

list list list...saturday to prepare together...?

as for today..

1.dont forget for MCMC
2.dont forget bout the apartments
3.dont forget to love her
4.dont forget to miss her

Wednesday, January 07, 2004


ok sayang..pakai jacket tuh ok.
hopefully it can replace me to keep u warm for while

dada sakit ni....tak penah lak kene..
semalam was the 1st time
erk..unhappy with me
uish..dapat keje baru plak tahun ni..
masalahnyer..mana lah aku gheti sgt nak main ngan scripting??
mati akuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
masuk plak dalam KRA aku...blur blur blur..
erm..but berapa % aku lak letak yer hhmmmm...
sorry blog

away laa kekekek....

for monday
- bombed...some of them do mine...erm...
kene rebomb balik laa....anyway to be success scarification is needed ;)
- sahabat...aku setelkan on tuesday laa kot ok...

for tuesday
- spent time with angel.. :wub:
tak penah ku bangun awal..kekeke...terbangun sendiri...terer2...kekeke..
memang seronok semalam... luv u sayang..

for wednesday
- sumpah takde mood nak keje...
camne laa aku leh buta IT lak ni...
banyak benda aku ketinggalan.. <_<

Monday, January 05, 2004

:huh: main gila laa
zaman kene stayback ni plak
security cakap ada hantu kat sini :o

lotih camni
rm200 sampai mati depan ingat??..
should i??
sumpah takde mood nak keje.
nape plak ni??
5 jan

happy bday mum !!
luv u so much

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Saat ku merindukan dirimu
Jiwa meronta kau ku damba
Oh gerhanalah seluruh pancaindera

Ku hilang dalam memori cinta
Membakar seluruh jiwa raga
Hanya kau untukku
Kau tiada dua

Bagaikan siang tiada mentari
Bagai malam tiada cahaya purnama
Tanpamu tiada erti hidup berdua
Ke akhir masa kau ku cinta

Bagaikan syurga tanpa bidadari
Kau ibarat hembusan nafas terakhir
Pulanglah sayang usah kau berpaling
Di sini ku pasrah menanti

Dikau bak salju ditiup bayu
Kan rebah di pangkuan bumi
Ku yakini kasih
Restu Illahi

Ku doa kau hadir
Permaisuri mahligaiku
Hidup mati cinta kita bersama

penin pale ni... ;-(
missing someone so much..

had a dream last nite...
thought it was like all others dreams that came to me everynite...but...
this a bit scary for me..

argghh...dont want to loose my baby angel...

God please help me
memang lambat...kekeke...
saja melambatkan menulis blog di sini..
saje aku lambat kan...

tanggal 22 dec..
tarikh takkan ku lupa...
segalanya terungkap...tapi adakah ungkapan itu ikhlas darinya??...
bukan aku mempertikainya...cuma kadang2 bermain diminda....
takpe....perkara yang baik..InsyaAllah...akan disudahi dengan baik..

u have me and i have u...
but pls pls and pls...
dont broke my heart anymore...
no longer to have some kind of funny and fishy r'ship...
yr needs and mine are pls pls...
never do the donts...i would do so..
i wont do the donts....
trust me angel..

tidak ku sekat permintaan mu..
cuma akan ku tunai..apa yang termampu...

arghh...sayang aku jauh....jauh ...jauh sekrg ni..
tidak pernah ku merindukan seseorg sehingga tahap ini..
oh God...please take care of her..for pls...
coz i love her...
yup...i do love her..with all my heart and souls...