Thursday, January 31, 2008

quick update....

sold my 40x and bought 80...
was stuck in dilema 80 or 200..
but finally choose 80..
ahaks...u know why i sold my 40x..
thousands of reasonss....
Can i have extra hours in a day...

0630-0830 - get ready to work (solat, get ready to work, breakfast)
0830-1730 - in the office (meetings, snaking, discussions)
1730-2030 - @home(dinner, family solat)
2030-0000 - meetings(house matters, GE matters)
0000-0630 - supposingly sleep!!!

by then my time fully occupied...where to squeeze in a slot for my assignments??
time for my outing with my family???....time for outing photoshooting..??..
erk but for golf...I HAVE TIME...ehehhe...
who to blamed??? me???syaiful???..arief????
how i wish if i could stop the time for a while...once there's a TV show..cant remember the programme name...
the girl can stop the time by putting 2 of her fingers together...
kan best kalau ada power camtu...hehehe...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Melayani Macro di Botanical Garden Kinabalu Park
dengan menggunakan extension...agak membosankan..kerna nafsu macro tak dapat dipenuhi...
lantas...di kepala ini...teringat kehangatan d80

Bile terlebih kelapangan masa di KANTOR..
lalu kepala ini kepingin untuk layan B&W.....

Sabah Trip Part 2