Thursday, February 26, 2004

we've been certified

huhuhu..cert dah kuar dah..
baru je amik tadi...
so sekrg....setel kan apa yg patut...
alhamdulillah so far segala berjalan lancar..
sedikit ketenangan diterima .....

pale sakit sikit..nyesal plak gi minum kopi....
rasanye badan ni takleh amik any kind of ginseng...
kopi rasanya boleh lagi kot..

be4 went to perform my solah..
dok termenung hisap rokok...
then came in one of my dept managers..
so we had a chit chat...
disuruhnya aku apply scholar utk further study.. nak apply...
he guaranteed that he'll ask my director full support in obtaining this scholar..
he also wanted to list down my name for the bank wide recognition award in self development since i've completed my studies before..
how nice is he...tak sangka plak..concern laa plak pasal aku...
kekek..thank you en shariff... since then...i guess i'll start back my studies rightly after my marriage...insyaAllah abis cepat...and lyn can continue her studies as well..
i'll go on part time basis...since...i felt much comfortable in this way of study..
ntah...takleh nak buat full time..takut ...takut...
erm...cuma for now jgn lupa nak amik borang scholar udah...

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