Saturday, February 28, 2004


erm,..cant wait for sunday..
insyaAllah everything will run smoothly...

Friday, February 27, 2004


sorry mama tengking papa tadi...... :(
didn't mean to do that......had no intention at all....
i tgh many things.......sampai i lost my temper.....

sorry for being grumpy.....u know what i'm going thru right now......
i'm so sorry i lost my temper when u're talking to me nicely......
sorry again syaiful arief syah......
forgive me will u?

Thursday, February 26, 2004

utk para peminat vcd melayu
kalau nak tgk aku berlakon..
beli laa vcd ni ok...

we've been certified

huhuhu..cert dah kuar dah..
baru je amik tadi...
so sekrg....setel kan apa yg patut...
alhamdulillah so far segala berjalan lancar..
sedikit ketenangan diterima .....

pale sakit sikit..nyesal plak gi minum kopi....
rasanye badan ni takleh amik any kind of ginseng...
kopi rasanya boleh lagi kot..

be4 went to perform my solah..
dok termenung hisap rokok...
then came in one of my dept managers..
so we had a chit chat...
disuruhnya aku apply scholar utk further study.. nak apply...
he guaranteed that he'll ask my director full support in obtaining this scholar..
he also wanted to list down my name for the bank wide recognition award in self development since i've completed my studies before..
how nice is he...tak sangka plak..concern laa plak pasal aku...
kekek..thank you en shariff... since then...i guess i'll start back my studies rightly after my marriage...insyaAllah abis cepat...and lyn can continue her studies as well..
i'll go on part time basis...since...i felt much comfortable in this way of study..
ntah...takleh nak buat full time..takut ...takut...
erm...cuma for now jgn lupa nak amik borang scholar udah...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Check your chair height and keyboard height if you have pain in your arms or hands. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in hands, wrists and forearms include numbness, tingling, swelling, weakness and burning pain. If problems persist, consult a doctor.

Are your wrists straight and in line with your forearms when your fingers are placed over your keyboard? Are your elbows at your side? Forearms parallel to the floor? If you need to correct your posture to keep wrists level, use a small rolled towel or palm rest at the base of your keyboard. Do not rest wrists or forearms on an unpadded desk edge.

waaaaa..aku sudah kene sindrom carpal tunnel uhhhhhh sakit wrist ni..waaaaaa
camne nak salam tok kadi nanti :p
thank you papa
thank you so much
sejam setengah

bermandikan peluh malam tadi..
semua sakit hilang ..ekekke...
best medicine ever in the world...
oh tapi ...sakit lelain hilang..yg selsema ni je tak hilang lagi..
selsema burung ker?? :unsure:
bosan nye nak cuti je esok..slurpp...
nak sambung tido..ngantuk tahap gaban..


target for february....
2 out of 3 accomplished...
so for march..
more on spending..
kopak kopak kekekek...
takpe takpe...
nasibbaik mega sale..
this weekend ...aussino??...
white towel erk...

Friday, February 20, 2004

takde mood nak apded blog
badan tak sihat
tekak sakit badan panas..pala pening..
pakej kesihatan yg tak sihat ada dalam badan...
sorry guys
it's been a long time since i last jot down something here......
there's a lot of things happened......
things i can control and things i can't do much about it.....
simple things and complicated things.......
cepat la all this over....i'm tired of this....
fucking tired of those absent minded people...... matter what....
bread with butter and sugar is simply delicious!! ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Death Bed


> It was early in the morning at four,

> When death knocked upon a bedroom door,



> Who is there? The sleeping one cried.

> I'm Malakul Mawt, let me inside.



> At once, the man began to shiver,

> As one sweating in deadly fever,



> He shouted to his sleeping wife,

> Don't let him take away my life.



> Please go away, O Angel of Death!

> Leave me alone; I'm not ready yet.



> My family on me depends,

> Give me a chance, O please prepense!



> The angel knocked again and again,

> Friend! I'll take your life without a pain,



> This your soul Allah requires,

> I come not with my own desire.



> Bewildered, the man began to cry,

> O Angel I'm so afraid to die,



> I'll give you gold and be your slave,

> Don't send me to the unlit grave.



> Let me in, O Friend! The Angel said,

> Open the door; get up from your bed,



> If you do not allow me in,

> I will walk through it, like a Jinn.



> The man held a gun in his right hand,

> Ready to defy the Angel's stand.



> I'll point my gun, towards your head,

> You dare come in; I'll shoot you dead.



> By now the Angel was in the room,

> Saying, O Friend! Prepare for you doom.



> Foolish man, Angels never die,

> Put down your gun and do not sigh.



> Why are you afraid! Tell me O man,

> To die according to Allah's plan?



> Come smile at me, do not be grim,

> Be Happy to return to Him.



> O Angel! I bow my head in shame,

> I had no time to take Allah's Name.



> From morning till dusk, I made my wealth,

> Not even caring for my health.



> Allah's command I never obeyed,

> Nor five times a day I ever prayed.



> A Ramadan came and a Ramadan went,

> But no time had I to repent.



> The Hajj was already FARD on me,

> But I would not part with my money.



> All charities I did ignore,

> Taking usury more and more.



> O Angel! I appeal to you,

> Spare my life for a year or two.



> The Laws of Quran I will obey,

> I'll begin SALAT this very day.



> My Fast and Hajj, I will complete,

> And keep away from self-conceit.



> I will refrain from usury,

> And give all my wealth to charity,



> We Angels do what Allah demands,

> We cannot go against His commands.



> Death is ordained for everyone,

> Father, mother, daughter or son.



> I'm afraid this moment is your last,

> Now be reminded, of your past,



> I do understand your fears,

> But it is now too late for tears.



> You lived in this world, two score and more,

> Never did you, your people adore.



> Your parents, you did not obey,

> Hungry beggars, you turned away.



> Instead of making more Muslims,

> You made your children non-Muslims.



> You ignored the Mua'dhin Adhaan,

> Nor did you read the Holy Quran.



> Breaking promises all your life,

> Backbiting friends, and causing strife.



> From hoarded goods, great profits you made,

> And your poor workers, you underpaid.



> Horses and cards were your leisure,

> Moneymaking was your pleasure.



> You ate vitamins and grew more fat,

> With the very sick, you never sat.



> A pint of blood you never gave,

> Which could a little baby save?



> O Human, you have done enough wrong,

> You bought good properties for a song.



> When the farmers appealed to you,

> You did not have mercy, tis true.



> Paradise for you? I cannot tell,

> Undoubtedly you will dwell in hell.



> There is no time for you to repent,

> I'll take your soul for which I am sent.



> The ending however, is very sad,

> Eventually the man became mad



> With a cry, he jumped out of bed,

> And suddenly, he fell down dead.



> O Reader! Take moral from here,

> You never know, your end may be near



> Change your living and make amends

> For heaven, on your deeds depends.



> If this poem inspires you,

> It can help someone too.



> **********************************************



> At least take sometime, and do not make it ban

> And send it to as many people as u can.



> What do you have for your END?

> Take Care with: The END



> The End

sekor anjing dok nyalak kat forum oren..
cool papa cool...
let me tackle those barking...
see how far will the dog go...??..
hahha...unilateral arguement...
what kind of dog is this..??..
stupid stupid
sekor anjing dok nyalak kat forum oren..
cool papa cool...
let me tackle those barking...
see how far will the dog go...??..
hahha...unilateral arguement...
what kind of dog is this..??..
stupid stupid

erm..demam lagi pagi ni...
mmg kepala rasa berat...
haruskah aku pergi ke klinik utk mengambil MC...
keje bersepah lagi ni...
erm...kalau MC pun aku tak balik umah lagi..
nak setel off some personal matters sat..

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

argh..dah lama tak camni
sakit kepala yg amat sangat...
cam nak pecah...arrgghh...tolong...
takleh tahan sakit ni...
Invitation to the 3rd Kedai Kopi Promuda Session
Assalamualaikum and Good Day,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the third session of the Kedai Kopi PROMUDA program. The Kedai Kopi Promuda program is aimed at bringing professionals closer to the realm of politics, by offering the opportunity for professionals to interact with the more influential, though not necessarily prominent, grassroots politicians or 'persons of significance' in the country.

The third speaker that we have the opportunity to interact with is YBhg Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali, Chairman of the Majlis Tindakan Rakyat Kelantan and former Head of UMNO Pasir Mas Division, Kelantan. The program will be held:

Date : Wednesday, 18 February 2004
Time : Dinnertime + (see schedule below)
Venue : Air Conditioned Section,
Restoran Nasi Kandar Pulau Pinang, (The Lotus Binjai Restaurant - In front of Nikko Hotel),
Jalan Binjai (off Jalan Ampang), Kuala Lumpur
Dress code : Smart Casual
Topic : 'Surviving Politics: Challenges Faced In Marginal State Partisan Party Politics'

07:45-08:15pm: Registration Desk Opens for Arrival and Registration of Promuda Team Members

08:15pm: Arrival of YBhg Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali

08:20pm: Light Dinner

08:40pm: Welcome and Introduction by Promuda leadership

08:45pm: 2nd Lecture of Kedai Kopi Promuda by YBhg Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali

09:05pm: Open Discussion on the Topic of the Inaugural Lecture between the Guest Speaker and Promuda Members

09:25pm: Open and General Discussion on Politics between the Guest Speaker and Promuda Members

09:45pm: Vote of Thanks and Close

10:00pm: Event Ends

REGISTER NOW! Only 140 seats available, allocated on a first come first serve basis!

RSVP by 3:00 pm on Monday, 16 February 2004. The confirmation of your successful registration to attend the event will be sent by 09:00 am on Wednesday, 18 February 2004.

Thank you for your kind attention and wassalam,
'Excellence Through Involvement'
Akhramsyah M U Sanusi
Program Director, Kedai Kopi Promuda

when i say i'll be strong....
i mean it..
i'll be more stronger each days...
believe me...
no one can stop me....

Monday, February 16, 2004

thank u sayang...
i'm not mad anymore.....
but mood still takde......ikut kan panas hati ni biar aje die tunggu kat situ sampai esok....
malas nak pegi amik......tapi saya tidak di ajar untuk derhaka pada orang tua....
100 kali dgr lagu ni pun takpe....
mmg best ...used it several times be4 ngan my darling :)


Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's so empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
you could be my sea
you know that i'll protect you
from all of the obscene
I wonder what your doing
imagine where you are
there's oceans in between us
but that's not very far

Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
when ya shoved it in my face
explain again to me

Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
when ya shoved it my face

Everyone is changing
there's noone left that's real
to make up your ending
and let me know just how you feel
cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
my whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
you could be my sea
you know that i will save you
from all of the unclean
I wonder what your doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
but that's not very far

Nobody told me what you thought
nobody told me what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
told you where to runaway
nobody told you where to hide
nobody told you what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
showed you where to runaway

Explain again to me

you take it all
you take it all away...
explain again to me
you take it all away
explain again to me
take it all away
explain again
camne ni

my darling...tgh marah2...
i cant comfort her today..since i'm away attending fire course..
bosan bosan bosan..
tiap2 tahun attend dis course....
bila laa opis ni nak terbakar..ekekekkek

Friday, February 13, 2004

The inaugural MAS Travel Fair 2004, is an annual event that is an extension of the Going Beyond Expectations campaign to demonstrate Malaysia Airlines' commitment towards seeking new avenues to deliver the MAS brand experience to customers and business partners.
The inaugural MAS Travel Fair will be held
From 10 am to 10 pm
On February 14-15, 2004
AtMidValleyExhibitionCentre, 3rd floor, Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur

At this Travel Fair, Malaysia Airlines is providing
Customers - best prices and valued deals for their air travel and vacations, information on the company's corporate matters and marketing support activities
Business partners - an avenue to promote their value-added products and services directly with consumers.

Participants at the Inaugural Fair this year
Malaysia Airlines
22 airlines, both MAS code-share partners and Malaysian Market Development Programme (MDP) members
75 leading travel agents of Malaysia Airlines
11 National Tourist Organisations
Leading 5-star Hotels, major sponsors and industry partners

Malaysia Airlines is showcasing
Best prices and valued deals for air travel and vacations (airfares and packages)
Specially designed holiday getaway packages available to 5 selected romantic destinations as part of the Valentine's Day celebrations on February 14, 2004
Enrolment for 'Enrich' - Malaysia Airlines Frequent Flyer Loyalty programme
Enrolment for 'Grads' - Malaysia Airlines membership programme for students
'Temptations' (inflight shopping) redemption opportunity for Enrich members
Charter Services product

tetiba rasa nak paste gambor...
bleh kan??

mulai hari...maka adalah dimaklumkan kepada semua bahawa saya telah pun diterima utk menjadi
warganegara mesia yg rasmi...huhuhuhu IC baru dah siap...tapi gambar dlm IC hampeh :(
nasib baik terus bikin MyKad since masa buat IC dulu...server MyKad JPN was shutting for one week.
tapi aku berjaya memperdaya minah jaga kaunter tu utk meregisterkan nama utk MyKAd...
on last minute basis...biasa laa....pass bank jugak menyelamatkan keadaan.

hari ni...serius....hari paling awal aku sampai ke opis..
semua sengih ... :)))))) tgk aku sampai awal..ekekek..
konon2 feel motivated laa sampai awal kat ngantuk gila ni...
perut pun pening..kepala pun sakit...
satu badan rosak..kene gi servis ni....jalan alor anyone??....lelaki je :p

ade ape ek..??
oh lupe...esok valentine's day..
tak gi memane...lepak umah ngan my nieces je laa kot....kekekke (sure kene hambat ngan darling aku)
disebabkan esok valentine's day..adalah diminta kepada semua..supaya tidak menelepon tepon bimbit saya yer....enggak mau dikaco.....
sunday..ada netball...hhmmm...
aku nak suruh angel aku main...dulu suh nyanyikan satu lagu pun taknak....kali ni aku suh dia main netball...kalau tak reti juga tak tau laa aku....

kekawan semua...
yg demam semalam adalah saya...bukan lin..
tapi...yg taking care adalah sama...saya jadi caretaker..although saya demam kekeke :p
bukan angel yg demam...
tapi sunshine...
pembetulan ya teman2.....

Thursday, February 12, 2004

kesian dia demam.... :(
i'll take care of u okay :)
takde ape nak tulis...
cume aku demam :(
looks ok yesterday...
like having dim sum...
if u want to eat the dishes set by set..
make sure its a quick ones...

pelik pulak aku ari ni..pepagi buta dah dgr lagu indon...
pehal la plak????????

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

paling malas aku nak buat keje bermula ari ni...
report on attendance kene reconcile..
oh bosannya idop
sib baik nescafe dan coklat ni menjadi peneman tatkala kebosanan gaban ni :(
argh lega

time kasih daun keladi kpd wan dan azrul(ex UM mate) krn melegakan ketidakpuasan hati aku...
time kasih sekali lagi ... harap ape yg dirancang....berjalan lancar...amin.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

mau masuk 5 tahun

ish ari ni jalan jem nak mampuih....
naik moto pun leh lambat...
nasib baik tak drive...kalau drive sure aku akan benti dulu kat kampung baru punye petronas...
sakit perut maaa...kasik buang dulu laa kat sana :p
mmg jem setiap hari route aku nak ke opis...
dup dup...hampir 5 tahun dah aku berdepan dgn jem di KL...
ye lah dah hampir 5 thaun aku perah keringat aku kat bank ni...
pergghh...ikut style jepun laa aku ni..keje sampai mati...
adusss...dulu masa blaja dulu ingat tak nak ikut japanese style...aleh2....terikut jugak..
but takpe least keje kat sini although gaji tak besar but secured...
nak berkeluarga ni..biar gaji kecik....tapi welfare family aku terjaga udah laa...

ari ni...aku pakai baju memula sekali aku pijak kaki di bank negara 5 tahun dulu..
saje je aku pakai shirt biru ni....ingatkan balik zaman memula keje dulu....
hihihi...punye laa sangap aku laa...
dulu dok bangun kul 1 - 2 pm..aleh2 keje kul 730 am dah kene bangun....
berpinau bijik mata....
semua dress up aku ari sama cam 1st day kat bank..accept utk tie je aku dapat dari ex classmate aku dulu...thank you guys....kalau korang nak tau...tie ni je aku pakai sepanjang masa kat opis....ntah nape...aku really appreciate ape yg korang bagi kat aku...rindu plak kat korang semua....

erm.....last nite went to ucu's hse...
dok diskas pasal wed with my beloved fiancee...sumpah ....sumpah penin kepala pasal kawin... i either her or my side...cakap "kawin je laa kat pej kadi or masjid udah laa..takyah nak hantaran..yg penting nikah" camtu yg keluar dari mulut dorang....somersout aku melompat...:p

Monday, February 09, 2004

it's shirley temple baby.....

and ye...terbakar...nak buat camne??
bodo bodo bodo

ape laa..dah tulis pepanjang blog...last2 leh terhilang pulak...tertutup IE ni..


- pi tgk umah utk kak ja... laa mahal umah kat KL ni..tak berbaloi betul...
baik beli motor home...nak tido parking je memane...
agak2 nak jadi cam org kaya....parking je kat sri hartamas...
kalu org tanye tinggal mana..cakap laa...kat hartamas....wakaka...padahal...dok pariking je motor home tu kat bas stop sri hartamas...
mlm pi dinner kat umah achik...erkk...kenyang....

- tetoi kawin..pegi ngna my beloved fiancee..hihihi....bebrg sudah start beli dah..
oven kene beli gak ni....


- opis mate ni EL laa plak....lotih2..dah laa takde mood nak keje.....kene plak pi HQ..lengit sih...
andai diberi pilihan sekrg ni..tido je yg aku nak..sangat laa ngantuk...
harus kah aku buat OT ari ni..atau aku terus balik awal...dan tido??
mana satu hah???...
OT memang banyak ni....
uish..tak menang tangan...kekeke..tapi least leh kumpul duit kawin cepat sikit... :)

hhmmm..vanilla ice cream with strawberry...
erm...grape juice laa kot...but not ribena ok...
cheese cake laaa..sedap oooo....
kalau puding tak nak laa...nanti hantaran pun ada :p

tukar air..nak shelly temple...
luv grenadine so much...
tak tau mana nak cari bende alah ni kat mesia..
yg ada pun alkohol punyer...
which one?

strawberry and cream or ice cream with chocolate toppings?
fettucinne or spagetthi?
grape juice or punch?
cheese cake or pudding?

which one baby?...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

supper or dinner

uish..dah agak dah...
memang susah nak bangun pagi ari ni..
semalam masa tido perut penuh...
what should i called semalam punye makan...
nak kata supper...lauk piuk banyak cam dinner..
nak kata dinner..takbleh gak..since kul 130am baru setel memasak..
thank you my angel..
thanks for your cooking last nite.... :)
ingatkan nak diet sikit laa be4 kawin..bleh ker?....
muka pun dah tembam ni....ish...tembam sangat ni...ekeke..
ngantuk sangat ari ni..nak gi opis pun malas..
kan bagus kalau saturday je opis ni tutup...awat laa pi gatal nak bukak gak..
bukannye ada keje pun :p

Friday, February 06, 2004

looks like he's getting nervous and nervous day by day...
tu la....ari tu berlagak cool sgt...
tido la semua

sorry lambat meninggalkan sebarang catatan hidup aku ari ni...
agak sangat malas ari ni..malas nak keje malas nak buat bende lain..
layan forum pun bosan...??
erm...ada tak keje...or jawatan...yg memerlukan tido sahaja...
cam kerja....sekrg ni..8 jam...kalau lebih dari lapan jam kire overtime..
so same goes ngan keje tido tuh..
kene tido 8 jam sahaja...kalau terlebih tido....kite akan dibayar overtime...
ish kalau ade mesti aku laa paling kaya kat dunia ni..
kalah bill gates...kalah semua..
tapi semua ni kan khayalan je...yg memang takkan jadi realiti dalam kehidupan..

menghitung hari

erm...jauh di sudut hati aku...
sibuk menghitung hari....saat demi saat
minit demi minit jam demi jam..... lah...
pejam celik dah akhir bulan....
nak kene hantar rombongan...
tarikh actual belum decide lagi...
buntu gak kepala memikirkan benda2 remeh ni...
maksud aku remeh tu bukan laa kawin..
tapi yg remeh... such kaler baju,tarikh nikah....
kekekke...bodoh bodoh...bodohkan aku ni..
bende remeh yg dok dlm pale otak ni..ekeke...
hhahaha...lantak pi laa yang penting aku akan berkahwin..insyaAllah....
hanya ajal sahaja yg akan menafikan akan perkara ini....

dgn nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Mengasihi

Ya Allah ..mudahkan urusan murni kami ini...sesungguhnya kami adalah hamba mu..hamba mu yang sangat lemah...sangat lemah..maka padaMu kami memohon agar dapat memudahkan,melancarkan dan mempercepatkan majlis murni ini..sesungguhNya Kau sahaja yang memahami isi hati kami...betapa gembira hati kami....sesungguhnya setiap kejadian itu adalah ketentuan dariMu...

amin amin ya rabbal alamin..
busan la plak....
nak balik tido bole tak?

Thursday, February 05, 2004


alhamdulillah wifetobe aku sihat..

penat la plak ari ni..
tetiba mood swing ...
nape la plak..
ish bosannyer...
ish ntah laaa...ape nak jadi jadi laa...
hilang laa plak

ish...sib baik aku check wallet sebelum nak gi bank in duit
sib baik tak tulis figure yg besar...coz check dalam wallet..
duit aku hilang waaaaaaaaaaa....
memang laa tak banyak...tapi di sebabkan di dalam tengah2 bulan ni..
nilai duit tu amat laaa besar..ish....seingat aku takde plak aku gi beli ape2 semalam..
takkan tercicir masa keluarkan duit nak bayar parking kete or masa bayar McD??
see ..betapa careless nye aku...dah berapa kali benda camni happen..
dulu sekali...duit kekawan aku pegang pun hilang..
sib baik dapat cover balik ngan duit acting yg aku dapat tuh...
so meaning..aku berlakon for nuthin laa ari tuh..
ish..nak buang wallet ni sayang...although dah beli yg baru.
ye laa ...wallet ni satu dunia aku bawa merantau...

erm...ari ni jalan sangat laa sesak...sib baik aku ada basikal bermotor aku utk bergerak ke HQ
dok chit chat ngan best pren aku..kat HQ...kawan sebilik masa induksi...masa interview sama..masa join bank pun sama...
ekkekee...dia pun nak kawin gak kekeke..tpai lambat sikit dari aku...

kawin kawin tak sabar pun ada..
ish..patient patient...
hahahha..kali ni aku takleh nak berlagak kool....sememangnya aku tak sabar nak kawin..
kaler ape yer baju??
it's funny....
i can feel the nervousness now....btol ke ni?

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


mmg penat gila' ari ni..
dah sampai HQ...tertinggal barang boss besar..
kene patah balik..
then have to rush back to HQ..
semacam peon plak keje aku minggu..
yg beza kan peon ngan aku ....
just..peon kalau dah balik opis takde keje,...
aku plak..bersepah keje...
ptg angel ade interview..
good luck the best...
maybe aku teman kan dia kot.. :)
malas nye nak keje ..
ye laa..
long weekend..
erm..met all her relatives...(thanks to naem...jadi part time girlfriend aku..kalau tak sure mati kutu masa kat klang :p)
aku sakit perut angel sakit perut..
rosak rosak kekekeke....salah makan ker...??
malas nye nak keje ..
ye laa..
long weekend..
erm..met all her relatives...(thanks to naem...jadi part time girlfriend aku..kalau tak sure mati kutu masa kat klang :p)
aku sakit perut angel sakit perut..
rosak rosak kekekeke....salah makan ker...??

Monday, February 02, 2004

good day sunshine
such a lovely morning on a suppose to be gloomy monday
so how did the conversation between ur mom n u went?

good luck baby....good luck
i luv u so much :)