Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tired!! Tired!! Tired!!

am so tired for the past 2 weeks...with meetings, discussions held with a lots of people...
from UMNO to family day to Deloitte people...
macam2 orang aku jumpe for the past 2 weeks....
ok as for some activities planned already done and held smoothly..
just ada few things lagi nak kene settle especially pasal rumah ...
since i was appointed as general secretary for our Pro Tem Ukay Bistari Apartment Buyers Association..memang sangat banyak laa kerja sukarela yang aku kene buat..
but its actually really good for me as its arrived at really really right time...( i think so....)
banyak meeting yang kiteorg plan for the association especially involving goverment people such MB selangor, SPNB CEO which is ex bnm staff..and maybe Pak Lah sendiri..
but all will be scheduled and planned after i got bank from KK insyaAllah..

on family day...alhamdulillah...everything was running very far no feedback heard during the family the best thing is our AG memang sporting habis..join the telematch and staff performance..i was very happy idea to push the staff performance and distribution of lunch @11am was really a good idea..bukan nak masuk bakul angkat sendiri...its just because...since both events was pushed earlier that from what its has been scheduled the grand lucky prize aku tolak as the last event..the idea was clear that aku nak semua crowd ada especially towards the end of our family day....ape2 pun KUDOS to all committee members yang really work hard to make the event a success!!!

on OUM plak..
just received my exam results..Alhamdulillah..syukur...
i am very pleased with the result walaupun aku gagal utk mendapat 4.0 kerana ada satu subjek yang aku sememangnya target A..hanya dapat A-..maybe over confident..since final exam pun within 1 hour aku dah keluar...similar result just like what i got from my 1st semester..2 A's and 1 A-...mmg given je laa kot..
but sekrg ni aku rasa demotivate nak ke kelas..maybe sebab ada satu subjek yang memang aku tak suka kerana ia melibatkan NOMBOR...iaitu hypothesis and sampling..
tak tau mana logiknya subjek ni utk student IT cam aku...especially kat muka depan buku ni clearly highlighted yang subjek ni utk budak2 SAINS...dan bukkannya IT...
kebongokan berlaku juga pada semester ni di mana..kelas yang sepatutnya diadakna pada minggu pertama dan ketiga setiap bulan diubah ikut sedap tekak dorang kepada minggu ke2 dan ke4 ..yang mana kelas kedua nt semestinya aku akan ponteng utk ke Sabah insyaAllah...
perkara penukaran kelas ikut sedap tekak ni aku dha email kepada Vice Chancellor OUM...dengan selamba aku memaki hamun staff OUM tanpa menyebut nama mereka.,..
hehehehe....aku agak rebellious sejak kebelakangan ni...entah tiba2 je..dari seorang yang konon nya cool...skang ni aku pantang tgk bende tak kene mmg aku akan sound....hehehe perkara yang sama juga aku laku kan kepada pengarah Deloitte yang meeting ngna aku pada khamis lepas...
ape2pun aku syukur ke hadrat Allah Swt sempena tahun hijrah yang baru ni....result yang aku dapat pun sangat laa cantik..dan harap utk sem ni pun aku bole score yangsama sebab semester ni aku ada 5 subjek...waaaa...giler lah....hopefully everything will go smoothly as aku target utk abiskan study di OUM by this year....since 2010 aku target utk ke luar negara....

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