senyum lebar mama...kekekek...dapat kete baru..ekkeke..
dah lama tak tgk mama happy camtu..she deserve to be happy...
i'll make sure i'll make her much happier after married...
i'll make sure she'll be much happier with me and lin is around her at all time..
i'll take her if we goin for vacantion (sorry mum kalau honeymoon takleh ikut kekeke)
i'll make sure she'll be the ever happiest person in the world besides lin..
i promised to take care of her at all time...if i'm not around i'll make sure lin will be my replacement mumsorry mum for those conflicts...those conflicts are the factor makes me love u more than the rest of your childrens...its not becoz i'm the youngest or what..
that's my promise...
when i promised something..i'll keep it to become any cost and at any means...selagi badan dikandung nyawa selagi itu aku akan turuti janjiku..
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhan, kasihanilah ibubapaku sebagai mana mereka mengasihani aku sewaktu aku masih kecil...ampuni lah dosa dosa lalu mereka....dan jauh kan lah mereka dari seksa api neraka"...
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